Offline Free English to Gujarati Dictionary and Gujarati to English Dictionary (English Gujarati) contains more than 143,000 English words and 131,000 Gujarati words. Within this Free offline Gujarati Dictionary app you can search meaning (Translation) of Gujarati and English words. Create different Favorite group of English and Gujarati words then bookmark favorite words in that favorite groups. English Gujarati Dictionary shows filtered word list instantly as you type.
English to Gujarati word Translation shows Gujarati Meaning of English Word in offline.
Gujarati to English word Translation shows English meaning of Gujarati word.
This Gujarati Dictionary is Free Offline so No Internet Connection required when you search word in dictionary.
Gujarati and English word search within this dictionary is very fast so it shows prefix matched words instantly.
When you type any English or Gujarati alphabet sequence within this Gujarati Dictionary word list which matches that alphabet sequence as prefix will be filtered and shown automatically.
Create any number of favorite groups to keep Favorite English and Gujarati word within those favorite groups. A favorite group virtually creates a folder where you can organize your favorite word into different bucket.
Listen pronunciation of English word in this Dictionary.
Each English word is marked as Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction etc. So you can see an English word belongs to which class.
Word details shows antonyms of English word.
Word details shows synonyms of English word.
Word details show definition of English word.
Use of an English word within this Dictionary is shown by one or more sentence.